Monday, February 2, 2009

26 Things To Do

OK with my mommy's birthday being today (HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMY!) the countdown begins until I get my day in the spotlight. I was browsing through blogs today and one of my friends had a very interesting idea. The past 3 years she has posted a list of ___ things to do before i turn ___. Each changed with her age. I decided to take heed with this and make my own list so here goes:

1. Establish a personal style.
2. Break out of my shell.
3. Dance in the rain.
4. Get a job.
5. Drive.
6. Dance in public WITHOUT worrying about onlookers.
7. Wear a bathing suit to the beach.
8. Apologize for the past and then GET OVER IT.
9. Let go.
10. Bake a pie from scratch.
11. Schedule a girls night with no boys allowed.
12. Go on a museum district tour.
13. Make art.
14. Live without fear. Quit waiting for the shoe to drop.
15. See myself as beautiful.
16. Sing karaoke.
17. Smile more.
18. Learn more photography skills.
19. Take a cooking class.
20. Learn to hulahoop and do a cartwheel.
21. Ride a bike.
22. Run 3 miles.
23. Listen to 4 cds by artists I've never listened to before.
24. Keep a journal.
25. Read 10 books.
26. Go to Kemah.

What are your lists? Mom, what are your 45 things to do before you turn 45? ;)


Donna said...

I love that you still think I am 45 ; ) I will have to think about this.

Alli said...

Great list Jenny...come see us at Chatty Scrappers are missed!