Thursday, December 4, 2008



I have been putting up my Christmas tree the last two days. I now hate this tree. This is the first year my husband and I have put up our tree together by ourselves. I really thought we would divorce over this tree. I am all into decorating the house, he is into watching me do so. We usually just put up a little 4' tree but, this year I kidnapped my mothers 7.5' tree. I am 4'11". There was no way I was decorating this thing without some help. That's not to say I didn't try though. Oh, how I tried. I first tried putting the lights on starting at the bottom, only to realize I couldn't plug them in that way. Then, I started at the top and went around and around...right against the middle pole. You couldn't even see the lights. So, I finally sucked it up and asked my husband for his help. The situation that ensued shall not be discussed but, lets just say it involved a few things: 1. My husband throwing the tree. 2. Myself in hysterics crying 3. My in-laws almost wetting themselves laughing. It wasn't pretty. We finally got the tree up and properly lit last night and I was done for the day. Today I started putting the ornaments on and in comes the hero of the story. My 4 year old son, Craig, who is throughly obsessed with Christmas. He would've put the tree up in June if we would've let him. I started letting him put on ornaments this morning so I could take photos. He was so tickled pink at himself. He loved taking all the ones he liked and putting them along the bottom of the tree. I then had to go back when he wasn't looking and rearrange them. His most favorite were the snowmen. He took all of them and put them together in a bunch because "they were snowman cousins!" Even he knows family needs to stick together.

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